Experience | Horizon Marketing Solutions in Northwest Arkansas

Core Competencies

Our clients benefit from our experience and ability to create a customized portfolio of Supplier Development services based on their specific needs from a menu of the most important retail process disciplines:

  • Global Sourcing and Supply Chain Support
  • Product Development
  • Category Management
  • Channel & Distribution Strategies
  • Sale & Marketing Program Management
  • Creative Services

HMS possesses a unique combination of effectiveness and affordability as an alternative to creating an expensive and likely less experienced in-house team needed to take the business to the next level.

Our knowledge base and continuous learning across a wide spectrum of retail formats and product categories adds significant leverage our clients utilize as a competitive advantage.

Diversity of Experience

HMS has successfully engaged with clients across a comprehensive spectrum of merchandise categories and global retail store formats.

Merchandise Category Client Experience:

  • Hardlines
  • Health & Wellness
  • Home
  • Grocery
  • Apparel

Retail Store Format Client Experience:

  • “Big-Box” Food & General Merchandise
  • Specialty Retail / “Category Killers”
  • Warehouse Clubs
  • Department Stores
  • eCommerce

Additional details and case studies are available to qualified client prospects upon request.